We are grateful for the contributions of many thinkers and creators whose bodies of work have influenced PRISMA greatly.

  • Arguably the single most cited thought leader in the field of adult development today. His ground-breaking works on human and organizational behavior include The Evolving Self, In Over Our Heads, Immunity to Change, How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work, and An Everyone Culture.

    Robert Kegan’s theory on Adult Development is central to Prisma’s framework ©. Informs the mechanism and the foundation on how and why we develop. Bringing material and patterns from our unconscious mind to consciousness, or making the subject an object in our awareness is the key to evolve. This process has stages with different orientation and ego identification.

  • Chief Scientific Officer, McLean Hospital. James and Patricia Poitras Chair in Psychiatry Chief, Division of Depression & Anxiety Disorders, McLean Hospital. Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School.

    Kerry Ressler has published many journal articles, including one on trauma passing between generations. www.resslerlab.com.

    Framework on fear and trauma. Threat Response. Memories as Protective and Dangerous. Maladaptive memories leads to unhealthy relationships.

  • He is a neuroscientist and tenured Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. www.hubermalab.com

    Andrew Huberman has afforded many frames and frameworks to Prisma Framework, including the neurophysiology of neuroplasticity, the relationship and impact of Dopamine, Adrenaline, Cortisol, Serotonin, etc.

    He provided a synthesis on the mechanics of Trauma healing, Stress and anxiety management, relationship between Dopamine and Cognitive Biases, Neurophysiology of connection and its implications, and many of the biological underpinnings of the Prisma framework.

  • Founder of Avalon and lead facilitator of Avalon worldwide retreats and Surrendered Unity Leadership Training, is a professionally trained psychotherapist and co-author of a book on Integral theory. Her experience ranges from high-security psychiatry, directing theater, conflict- and business resolution in corporations, and Integral leadership training for the Norwegian Army. https://www.avalondharma.com/

    Alanja Forsberg created the first version of what is today the PRISMA Meeting method and some of the practices that we use today in the PRISMA Workshop.

    Tataya was part of the Avalon core team for four years where she facilitated retreats worldwide alongside Alanja.

  • 1997 University of Toronto, Philosophy - BSc 1991 University of Toronto, Specialist in Cognitive Science - MA 1985 University of Toronto, Philosophy - HBA 1984 McMaster University, Philosophy, Summa Cum Laude. published a series of Lecture on YouTube, Awakening from the Meaning Crisis. His field of study is Perception, Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience.

    John Vervaeke His frameworks afforded many of the foundational principles of Prisma. From “Virtue is the Beauty of Wisdom” – that describes the relationship between beauty and wisdom, Principles of Flow States, Self Deception and Bullshit, 4 Types of Knowing, intuition and implicit learning, and countless frames upon Prisma is built on. John provided Prisma the notion of the “Imaginal” and Dia-Logos, and these are foundational frames to the core of how the Prisma Framework is generated and processed by Tataya.

  • Diane is a uniquely gifted, playful, and awake group facilitator, consultant and teacher of Integral Spirituality and Zen. She is a lineage holder in the Soto Zen tradition and has collaborated with the Integral Institute and Ken Wilber, developing the Integral Life Practice seminars and the Integral Spiritual Experience global events. Diane is the co-founder and lead trainer of the Integral Facilitator pathway of programs offered by Ten Directions.

    Dianne has provided a vary beautiful and masterfully integrated and embodied teachings on key perspectives and views of giving and receiving advice, negotiating, being interested in how are we perceived by others as a hallmark of adulthood, how communication skills fuel our development, how to give and receive feedback, and many other processes that she teaches using her elegant self.

  • A visionary thinker of inspired genius, is the developer of an integral “theory of everything” that embraces the truths of all the world’s great spiritual, scientific, and philosophical traditions. Often referred to as the "Einstein of consciousness studies", Ken Wilber is a preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development.

    Ken Wilber provides a meta map or meta frame for all other frames and views that exists in humanity across time. Is the map of maps. The Integral theory has quadrants (Internal-external vs Singular-Plural), lines of development or intelligences, stages of consciousness, states of consciousness, and types – mainly Man and Women, then Enneagram as the most useful typologies.

  • Integral Coaching Canada is a professional Integral Coaching® training company located in Ottawa, Canada. Founded by Master Certified Coaches Laura Divine and Joanne Hunt, ICC's proprietary Integral Coaching® method and extraordinary coach training programs are unequalled in the world.

    Tataya Bailey is a Master Coach from ICC, and their framework for coaching and human development provides deep roots to Prisma. ICC takes the integral theory into practical views and frameworks for affording adult development. The Prisma Framework and Workshop is deeply informed by Integral Theory and by Integral Coaching Canada.

  • (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American writer. He was a professor of literature at Sarah Lawrence College who worked in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work covers many aspects of the human experience.

    Campbell's best-known work is his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), in which he discusses his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero shared by world mythologies, termed the monomyth.

    His work informed Prisma in the relevance of the Hero’s Journey, and the importance of archetypes and myths as representations of humas consciousness evolutionary patterns.

  • Mastin Kipp is a number one best-selling author, speaker and Creator of Functional Life Coaching™ for people who are seeking rapid transformation in their lives. He has been featured on the Emmy Award show, Super Soul Sunday, and recognized as a “thought leader for the next generation” by Oprah Winfrey.

    Mastin provided two of the the key ideas to PRISMA framework. The “Failure Patterns” to refer to the patterns that brings us suffering, chaos, unintended consequences, or simply not what we want. Then the relationship between failure patterns and wounds, past hurts, traumas. Traumas fuel failure patterns.